Strumming Some Heartstrings

Thursday, February 25, 2010
at 5:30 PM

Will be changing URL, picture, blogskin and music.
today no time to post. just came in for fun. ^ ^
Mother dont allow use comp for long.
Cos of the bloody common test. -.-
Haix, no time post SOo byee..
byee byee~
you know you love me

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
at 8:21 PM

Dunt feel like updat-ing blog.
Now no ppl tagg my blogg D';
sAd.. Few days ago, strangers tagg
my blog.. Dont kno who are they.
I will be changing blogskins soon de la.
and music and (photo?) O,O

Yesterday, siva called my house.
Was shocked sia.. -.-
I was actually slp-ing and she called
and i answered la. I hear her voice, thought
i heard wrongly.. Lol. She chatt with me..
Well, asked where she tranfer to?
She answered me: 'It's secret!'
-.- Forget it, STFU
Haha..jking. I was really shocked that
she will actually CALL me.
Long time never see and talk talk chat chat play.
hahhas, Lolx. Never play majong.
Because of EBS la. Oo saw acter and actress actually.
I not the one who saw, it was jasmine who tell me de.
She tell me: 'A! Ming sing, ye! ming sing! na bian, na bian!'
O.o 'O? Na li? Na li?!'
Lolxs.. funny lor.
Garfong was beside me, my pArtner.
She very funny, she want take photos of the shop dhen she
act as she was calling someone. Hahhahs
When she was acting that she was calling taking photo,
i didint kno what she doing that time. I was like keep asking her
'Who you calling?' I was so gong canx! -.-" Blur sotong, :B
Went home straight aft gathering.
Mother cooked noodle for me. So salty!
Read comic, see tv program.
use comp.. bla bla.
See ya. Will try my very best to post
everyweek at least once de!

you know you love me

Friday, February 19, 2010
at 9:02 PM

If you’re going to love me, love me deeply.
If you’re going to break my heart, then break it all.
If you’re going to care, care for me completely.
If you decide not to hold me, don’t let me fall.
If you’re going to stay, then stay forever and
If you want to leave, then do it today.
If you’re going to change, change for the better.
And if you’re going to talk, please mean what you say.
you know you love me

Monday, February 15, 2010
at 3:08 PM

Keep Tagging hor, everyone, Haha..
ermm.. I am damn busy this days coz' of New year.
Will be busy rushing to houses to houses to Bai nian.
LOL.. why i have time to post now? coz' i nw using my big cousin de laptop
in her house. ^^ Happen damn lots of things during this days.
but too much until don wan post, but dhen can tell alittle,

Back two days ago,
went to grandma( Father side de) house,
was fun, saw my cousins who i never met one year until now.
okays.. One of my cousins( Pri 6 this year), he broke voice le. -.-
So fast lor. and he become handsome? LOL..
Another cousin(sec 1 this year) taller and more handsome.
Taller than me? -.- Of course.
The Pri 6 de tall me half head.
This year sec 1 de tall me.. erm.. lik 1/4 head?
yeah i think so ^^
others are all girl de cousinx. I got alot cousinx..
Dont say them le la.. all taller then me when they smaller than me..
Damn sad de canz? Haix.. who call me to be so short.. Lol.
Ate steamboat. After that, play Basket ball with them all cousin and siblings except
one cousin, she stay at grandma house see show with family.
Play basket ball, very fun! dhen captain ball. I was the Goalkeeper. HAha.
Wan to play again.. But need to head home.

went both side de grandma house,
quite fun la, went home aft both sides, wait uncles and aunty(s)
to come my house bai nian. Small cousins came along of course.
Dhen they play at my house lor, I chit-chat with aunty and uncle lors.
They went home. I went to sleep. Today, 8.30 lik that wake up.
Father call me up de. Sianx, why wake up so early? coz' small aunty and grandma(f s)
come visit. After that, came here which is my big cousinx house. Came here sitting Motorbike.
My second uncle lobang me using his motor! So cool lor! Dhen eat steamboat again.. -.-
Lolx.. every dayy steamboat you wont sian ah? Haix.. dhen nothing to do ma.. went to continue
the friendshipband that i promise garfong i will buy. but then i lazy go buy, and also dont wan buy coz that time got go see the shop dont hav colour that is special and then do my ownself lor. and i also think that do it on my own then got the feel ma..
so dhen i do until hand become sour liao.. So now for the time being, i only done two.
Tomomro do one more. One day do one. So hand wont go sour. Hehe..
XD later going to another aunty house lehh.. very tired liao leh!
maybe also going swimming? So tired~
Later dont tell me eating steamboat again leh, XD..
Dont eat steamboat la? pls? Beg God, dont steamboat hor later?!
byezbyez liao~ going aunty house le. SIAN! Tagg ah!
you know you love me

Friday, February 12, 2010
at 7:27 PM

S0 supportive?! My friends?
My cheer dance: <(^.^<) (>^.^)>
you know you love me

at 10:12 AM

I found de new symbol.
you know you love me

at 10:04 AM

Feel like changing blogskin le.
pekchek by the spammer..
Nvm.. -.-
To spammer:
Nxt month then change blogskin can?!
Change alr dhen must fcuk off hor!
you know you love me

Sunday, February 7, 2010
at 11:17 AM

I am now at LAN shop.
Later dhen go bowling,
sian, later at there dont know
go there do what lors..
Readers? later msg me leh?
Hahas.. joke? Laughs
I at LAN shop cos later just straight
away go bowling centre..
But before that and after this, going eat first.
Chatting with friends in MSN now.
So cool, i mean this LAN shop very cool la!
Laughs. Haixz, yesterday after blogging,
jasmine msg me 'Sorry?'
Reply her: ' Okayys'
Playing facebook, so don wan post le,
don wan to waste time on blogging..
byez byez~
you know you love me

Saturday, February 6, 2010
at 6:57 PM

Thanks for Tagging, Guys!
Please continue Tagging!
Thanks ya!


Sianzx, tomorow going to bowling!
Not sian because of going, it is sianzx
coz cant play as my condition cannot lor!
Dhen I go for fcuk?!
Don wan post liao la,
think abt tomoro dhen stomach got fire!
you know you love me

Friday, February 5, 2010
at 9:16 PM

Please Tagg when you come and visit!
Thanks.. (:

Time to post:

~ Went to sch, almost quarrel with someone D;
Sad la.. Dont wanna say.. I went to Classroom N
it was MATHS? Mr tay call us do work..
I do do do do.. Hahas.. dhen erm, ... Shir lent Calculator
from me. dhen slowly she ask me abt Questions for Maths.
I teached dhen she was understanding the formula,
and the bell rang for recess, and we went to eat.
Bought things to eat, call garfong sit with us cos i saw
her buying rice liao dhen dk sit where, dhen call her
sit with us lors, Dhen jiaqi, kaixuan, shirley, Nicholas, marie,
Pamela, Mishan, Leona was sitting with us too.
Eat finish, chao ah, go toilet.
Went back classroom lors, Lmao.
Shirley came back, call me continue teaching.
Teach her, understood? idk she understood anot leh..
LOL~ Havent teach finish, Nicholas come disturb,
aft that, it is kelvin turn.. Lolx..
Nicholas go teach shir 'indirect'?
Indirect surpose to be for EBS?
Dhen keep on disiow him with indirect.
He keep on saying SHUTTUP repeatedly.
Hahas, Laughs. Shirley dhen tell me what happen.
Heard her story, aft asking her what happen with them two.
She say till half dhen En hai want KPO and join in? o.0
Haha, No offense, alright?
Kayys, dhen listen finish le dhen after school liao lors.
When Shir say her story, i keep asking why quarrel just like this?
Dhen she explain lors.. I just kept quiet N listen alright?
As I dont wish to add salt and oil, fire and water? Lols.
Dont want add trouble~ dhen oya hor, when shir was telling me the story,
they actually was about to start a fight? N I was like 0.o, didnt kno whatta do.
Almost Everyone wanted to stopp them from quarrel-ing?
And thats what happen leh?
Aft school, at class, asked jasmine say 'Monday got change places, right?'
She say 'no'.
I asked 'why?' dhen she ignored me on purpose? WHATdefcuk!
Just say reason la, no need ignore me, right?
i was dulan, dhen went off with peiyi.
pei her sit 23 bus. Sit the whole way round.
btw, I also asked peiyi, if jasmine ignore her when she ask her sth,
will she get angry? Dhen she tell me: 'will la..'
So means i dulan her,got reason de hor.
Dont say i dun treat her as friend, is she make me dulan one.
But this wont matter until she tells me a SORRY, alright?
If like that, you wont Dulan ah?
O and i bought a BIGG packet of Mentos!
Remind me to give you guys ah!
you know you love me

Thursday, February 4, 2010
at 6:32 PM

Hello everyone ^^,
Garfong here...not helping min rui to post..
i post for fun and laughter ^^
ermmm...i helping her change blogskin , songs and etc...
HAHA..she came my house and like do nth..:X
Tag more ppl entertain her blog cos she will not update so often..

Shall End Here
you know you love me

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
at 8:45 PM

T0day went t0 t0a pay0h, with shermayne; peiyi; jasmine.
We went with U-nif0rm
Shermayne wore [0utside] clothes..
wanted to wear [0utside] clothes with her;
but 'Wa.. SiAn to change.' Didnt Change.
Well, lazy la, and i also don wan to.
cos my [outside] de clothes not nice de ma..
T00k 139 bus, reach-ed destination!
Finally! LOLz.
Went to see earrings, necklace, Rubberband, Fake hair= HAHAs.
And alot! Not only these~ Its more etc.
but.. never bought anything; N this is call-ed WIND0W SH0PPING!~
Lols' Went POPULAR la. Jasmine need buy COSMIC.
wa..SiAn~ AT POPULAR, saw [wo he jiang si you ke yua hui?]
I spell correctly anot huh? Readers; pls translate to chinese.
o0kayys, went back Bendemeer mall de Bustop.
erm, erm.. bla bla bla and went home?
SiAn to type liao le.. GTG, guys?
you know you love me

The Girl

Name:Min Rui♥
DOB:15 Dec 95
School:Bendemeer sec.


- More Friends
- More Clothes
- More Shorts
- More Gans
- More Freedom


♥ Class Blogg ♥
En Hai
Gar Fong
Jia Qi
Kai Xuan
Pam's pb
♥ SL ♥
Wee Yap
Wei teng



Music Playlist at


January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
September 2010