Strumming Some Heartstrings

Monday, March 29, 2010
at 7:52 PM

This days, i use Msn more often. :P
I love MSN now.. cos some reasons la.. =X
Hahah, today, there is really nothing special in sch.
Only at sch, My msg-ing partners message sometimes,
i was bored also, so chatted. HAhah >,<
Mrs foo never come, AGAIN! Also quite good beh? o.o
Science was >>>COOl<<<> Mrs chin teach and teach, and we are there talk and talk.
After awhile, Garfong tap me,

tell me my sister is like opposite. Saw sis, and GOD sis.. Two chio bu~
From far, wave to them, they come, hugs and chats..
BIG HOT DAY, GOD sis wore cotten purple colour long sleeve shirt some more? PRO~
Wont hot meh? LOL.
After sch, wanted to go out with them(sis, GOD sis). Mum dont let, cos she say i going to sick le.. Yeah i know~ Then nvm lor.. Haix.. so sad. Why this time going fall sick leh?
you know you love me

Friday, March 26, 2010
at 8:40 PM

Hii, guys. v lazy to post leh,
Nth special today so i dont know what to post.
;p quite bored in school de.
Sian. Only keep msg-ing my 'message-ing partners.'
If you kno me, add my msn :D
you know you love me

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
at 8:05 PM

Through the holidays-
Busy Busy~
First day of holiday, Which was Monday, went to do NRIC.
Saw Pamela, Garfong. Do finish; went canteen, saw Pamela and Garfong with
Gilbert buying drinks, walk with them ^,^
I was with Peiyi. Then, they say want to go mac.
Went with them, Saw Mishan and leona etc..
Mishan ate finish, leona also then chao le.

Second day of holiday-
Went TPY, meet with Mishan and jasmine.
Met new friend; Saiful? I think is lik that spell.
They do their EBS and i msg friends.. Boring? YES.

Third, fourth, fifth, sixth day of the holiday-
Done nothing but just watch CD all days long.

Last day of holiday-
Went Grandma house and watch CD as usual. :b

Yesterday was okayys, Walked to school alone and reached school
like 7.10+ i think. Or was it 7.20 something.
Almost everything change for the time-table :/
And today was FUN ^^
Go school, saw Haziq on bus, sit with him(:
Chatted and else. Reached school. And read magazine lors.
Lessons and end school, went to eat lunch wth Fong,
Plan to go her house from last week to do EBS, last minute.
Went her house half way, saw my Long time never see de qan jie.
Really did miss her; Pamela was there too,
Chatted with them a while while and fong say need to go le.
Her house- Do EBS first. Then use her comp do my blog, Change blogskins,
songs, cbox and etcs..change everything with Fong's help.
Play Facebook with Fong, we are SO totally addicted to pet society.
Went her FB thn mine, went hers again thn mine. Haha..
Leave her house at 6.00 pm.. She sent me to bus stop and she wanted to take picture.
Then we took pictures. And it was around like 6.10+ pm. Have lots of fun.
Reached home at 6.46 pm.

you know you love me

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
at 8:28 PM

No one tag my blog? So sad D;
I eating very spicy de crackers now.
So spicy, '~'
Never update blog for awhile le..
Cos very lazy. =.=
I next week then update again.
My friends, Tag lehx >,<

Pls kindly tag before ya leave.
you know you love me

Monday, March 8, 2010
at 6:15 PM

This is the pictures i took today.
Wrote them at whriteboard,
And took photos
photos again.
and again.



Pamela, Cheer up! Dont always cry for him.

All together now! (:
you know you love me

Thursday, March 4, 2010
at 8:38 PM

I dont care wheather you admirer me anot.
I dont need it. And you are the one who scold me and
curse me first dhen now come tagg say i curse you first?
Laughs to you, if you dont like me dhen why still tag
me? LOLX, I treat strangers bad and friends good.
There is a difference between it. Maybe i might explain once to you
kindly. I dont talk to strangers nicely cos.. I also dont kno why actually.
haha.. you can ask my friends if i talk to strangers anot. They will say NO~.
I dont lik to talk to strangers. Well, i really dont kno how to explain either la.
If you still hate me, continue scolding me then. But..I have my limits lors..
Everyone have limits.. My thinking is Why be enemies and why NOT be friends?
Whatever la.. You want scold? you scold lor.. Just ignore it.. I am telling you nicely
But then sorry if you reached my limits. I wont care and will just scold, but then dont wan it to happen, i really seriously hate spammers. But love to scold Bad words. MY BAD.
Well then, i tried hard on you, it didnt work. As i were not really angry la. So why be enemy? I bored and tired of scolding you at my blog.
Shall end conversation to you.

Ask Mother if can go escape theme park, She say see first see first,
Mother keep giving stupid excuse to me just wan me dun go.
-.- Want to go soo much
I please her, and she say you want go you go la! ohhs? Really?! 0.0
Fake one la.. i thought.. I please her again.. blar blar..
Dhen she say CAN. ohhs.. how many ppl go? mother ask.
ermm.. dont kno but one group of friends lor? (Fake smile) (HAHA!)
going to escape on saturday lor, with haziq, jasmine, mishan, sandy and dont kno le.
(: :D
ohh, and i today got english result. OMG de la! AT first, mrs foo say i am top 2?
Dont Believee, -.-, asked teacher 'you sure anot? You got see wrong anot?'
Dhen teacher never hear miie.. sian, o.o then teacher make me chua dio? Say she see wrong? ohh? I am first in class?! JOKE LA! CANNOT BE!
I go check, really sia.. I top? But i dont kno why i still not happy with my english reasult leh? Dont say i action but i really really also shocked. But only never express it out la. OHHS BLAR BLAR.. This is first time getting top in class so dont kno how express. ','
you know you love me

Monday, March 1, 2010
at 7:25 PM

I change URL and clear my C-box only.
And blocked that guy. Bloody fool.
I dont care whatever he scold.
WHo cares? Hahhahs..
He curse me also =.=
Bloody Hell.
Boy, this message is for you.
I fcuk care you scold me.
but ya need not to curse, right?
I now can scold you as i like..
Haha.. boy, you curse me huh?
good. good. very good la hor.
Now become i curse you lor.
Like that dhen fair ma hor?
Fair and square. But dhen before i curse you, i need to tell you
your curse will never work on me yeahs?
Fine, say also wasting saliva lor.
LOLS.. from your speech i can see that this boy is
fcuking ugly de la. I now curse you that you will be more ugly and
you wont have girlfriend de la. even if you found my blog? So what?
Ha! you also cant tagg la hor.. I ban you liao.. haha..
This is your attitude towards girls dhen your next life also wont have
girlfreind de la. This is a very fair curse alr. You think what you curse me first before
you say i curse you more jialat anot hor.. your curse very jialat la canzx?
But i bet it wont work on me!
you know you love me

The Girl

Name:Min Rui♥
DOB:15 Dec 95
School:Bendemeer sec.


- More Friends
- More Clothes
- More Shorts
- More Gans
- More Freedom


♥ Class Blogg ♥
En Hai
Gar Fong
Jia Qi
Kai Xuan
Pam's pb
♥ SL ♥
Wee Yap
Wei teng



Music Playlist at


January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
September 2010