Strumming Some Heartstrings

Friday, April 30, 2010
at 9:40 PM

Was tired, v tired cos me and sweetheartzx went to slack and study
for continuously five days including today! Haix, v tired but fun...
Hehe..whole week go home late, mother alr scolding~ but only scold me today.
Haha, she nag me the WHOLE bus journey while on the way home with jiamin and chinyi!
OMG~ so longwind.. okay..lets really talk about today: Went school with garfong, met up
with her first, then she walk v fast dhen i need to catch up, i walk so fast then suddenly
i feel my leg really pain )= But i just kept on walking as if nothing happen, haha. Reach school, garfong was like HIGH dancing and singing. Hah, then i was also singing softly(: Aft school, jiamin came to find me, teacher call us arrange table. jiamin and friends came
to help. so helpful. aft that, went off to toilet wit jm and pam.. Saw chinyi and she came along, Went to find didi and found him in coffee shop. tell him good bye then go off to eat. ate noodles, cheese fries; share with chinyi and jiamin~ pamela drank bubble tea,
Sit at tht seat awhile then went to bus stop, saw zhiyan. Pamela left.
Chatted with zhiyan, aft that last minute,jiamin or chinyi say want to come my house,
then i say, okay ehx, steady, lets go. phoned my mother for approvel first.
and that was when my mum nag the whole journey of the bus, diaoz..
Jiamin and chimyi came my house, cal them to go in my room, wait me to bath come out then continue to chatt. Bathed, come out, bla bla, went in to chat ->
allow them go on my bed^^ draw, chats and play! 5 plus sent them to bus stop -> wait bus with them -> bus came, they board bus -> head home lahz -> study and read -> went to NTUC<=, check for brand -> bought pocky which is 85 cents only, hoho -> use comp, now blogging. shall end here, dude. and btw, GOOD LUCK FOR ALL STUDENTS
you know you love me

Monday, April 26, 2010
at 8:44 PM

its been a long time since i post~
Listening Music now~ ;p
I really very lazy to post but told friends that i will post
SO~ post little lo.. hehe, today went to mac after school.
then it was quite sian at first, but after that then okay okay ehs.
Went with Garfong, pamela , calvin, jiamin, jianhong and rohit..
Then jiamin came with chinyi~ gilbert come half way..
haha~ funny.. then leave mac at 5.30, yea.
reach home ard 6.10+, bath and things.
play comp.. sian, nothing to post and no time also.
i dont kow what to post le..
you know you love me

Sunday, April 18, 2010
180410 at 8:35 PM

Today .. Morning woke v early cos.. Jianhong;didi and Jiamin msg me ..
Then chat with calvin. o.o then.. okay
nothing to post cos i never even go out. Home all day.
Sian, rotten at home. hahaXD
you know you love me

at 12:42 PM

Thanks for tagging!
Keep tagging..thanks=)
you know you love me

Thursday, April 15, 2010
at 7:58 PM

This days really very lazy to do blog.
This days keep staying back for either CCA or go mac study.
Sometimes is slack. Today, slacked. With Marie.
Then jiaqi came. with her stead. Slack then went home.
Now at home, v tired. Dont wish to post.. hehe. (:
you know you love me

Monday, April 12, 2010
at 9:11 PM

Today,post alittle bit.
Not alot of things to post,
went to school, yeah.. Sonu never come
guess she wont come tomoro also.
Got use to it that she will always absent 2 days de.
hahaXD nothing special.
just stay back for co-op, and then went home.
At facebook, daniel talk me.
make friends with him. haha.
Quite fun, you know.
dont know what to post.
Rushing time
i gtg go
you know you love me

Thursday, April 8, 2010
at 8:16 PM

I say about yesterday and today..LOLs
Ytd, at study jokes jokes..
aft school, need go do co-op.
then while at co-op, friends came to pei me.
Happy sia, second time got friends pei..
They waited for me until my co-op end.
Aft co-op, go out school..
Slack with them two, Cv and jh.
Have lots fun(: really fun.
chatted and told them some of my secrets.
Was at bus stop, getting along with them well,
Chat and gilbert came halfway..(:
He chatted with them also.
Good friends, hahaXD.
Chatted until quite late, jh had to leave.
okay then, he left.
Gilbert told me weird things..lols
Very late liao then Cv call me go home.
Cos he say, i dun go home dhen he also wont go home.
So.. didnt want to make him go home late.. so i went on bus.
How thoughtful is he. Gentleman. HAHA
Today never go sku, cos stomach pain ytd.
woke up at 11 like that. Wow.. thats was perfect can.
then stomach not pain liao.. was energetic(:
Went out for lunch with mum and sis.
Ate wanton mee and fried carrot cake,
delicious la! hehe.. Ate finish then went NTUC and shop.
then to video shop. ^^ FUN.
Went back home. then see show all that stuffs and now blogging and playing games
and also chatting. bye. dun wan post too much. nth to post anyway.
you know you love me

Saturday, April 3, 2010
at 9:15 PM

Today is 3 April.
Friend's Birthday:
Happy Birthday, Hui ping!

LoL..Today nothing to post, cos never go anywhere.
Stay at home the whole day..
So.. Should stop here. (:

you know you love me

Friday, April 2, 2010
at 12:59 PM

HI, everybody(:
Here to post for awhile beh.
Yesterday, happen alots of stuffs.
Stomach really hurts now..
Yesterday aft school, Gafong ask Gilbert they all if they want go mac..
Then they say okay or sth like that. Then we headed off to mac.
Gilbert,Johnson,Enhai,Garfong,Me,Marie,Pamela,Nicholas eat at mac..
Chatted alots.. MSG Calvin, ask him whether he coming, and he took me alot of time
to just MSG back.. LOLs. Then he MSG back that he coming..
That time was 4.00 something then he come.. Brought a big GANG of friends.
All sec 1(s).. Marie and Nicholas and all went off alr.. I and Garfong do homework..
I do Maths, and she do EBS. but she was like never even concentrate lor.. Think other things.. Cos she___ de ppl there.. hehe.. Aft doing HW, i and fong call them to sit same table with us. Chat chat, then play one time de poker 21, daidi. One round only then want to go out le.. Go basketball court.. Cant play, too many ppl. Sat there and chatted with Friends and fong. EXERCISE and then Nicholas ask me who i like.. BLABLA, leave basketball court at 5+. Reach home at 6+. Night time, chatted in same conversation with Fong and Calvin, then chat until seriously NO mood.. Not Fong and calvin's fault, its SOMEONES fault. Sian..never reply when fong and calvin chat at MSN.. Then they entertain me.. Thanks guys, its appreciated. Haix.. But still sad.. hehe.. Told them i wasnt sad. And they dont believe.
Today is quite boring de.. Woke up, change clothes and now.. blogging. Later going Jumbo seafood..maybe no appetite to eat.. Calvin and fong, wont be online today yea.. No need worry. I HAPPY K? :) hahaXD

you know you love me

The Girl

Name:Min Rui♥
DOB:15 Dec 95
School:Bendemeer sec.


- More Friends
- More Clothes
- More Shorts
- More Gans
- More Freedom


♥ Class Blogg ♥
En Hai
Gar Fong
Jia Qi
Kai Xuan
Pam's pb
♥ SL ♥
Wee Yap
Wei teng



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